
Breast Implant Sizing: Do’s and Don’ts

It’s very common for breast augmentation patients to come to our practice with a specific size in mind. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as saying, “This is the bra size I want to be” and voilà! There’s a lot more that goes into that end result than a simple number.

When determining the right breast implant size, there are many factors to consider. From current body proportions to implant size, texture, and shape – there are various options to choose from and several important decisions to be made. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to get started:

DO schedule a consultation.

First and foremost, a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation is essential. At Synergy, we’ll work as a team to determine the specific implant characteristics that best fit your body, budget, and goals. There’s no need to worry about any implant jargon – tell us what you want to look like, and leave specific details like “CC” volume to us.

DO look at a lot of before-and-after photos (like, a lot).

Viewing before-and-after photos is a really important step. It’s a great way to get a sense for a potential surgeon’s past work, and it also helps you begin visualizing your own results. Be sure to look for patients who have similar physical proportions to your own, and note the cases you love. But don’t stop there: find cases that are a little too big and a little too small. Those comparisons help us really zero in on your ideal result. We’ll review what you’ve picked out together at your consultation.

DON’T get caught up on bra size.

We don’t rely on cup sizes because the so-called “size” varies from bra to bra and from retailer to retailer – in other words, it’s not a consistent measurement.

Determining breast size by cup

Source: RealSelf Trends

Both Dr. Kerr and I work with our patients to find the most appropriate implant size, considering body proportions above all. We want the implant that will help achieve the most natural-looking result that fits the patient’s goals.

Frankly, we’ve had more patients visit Synergy with a specific size in mind and leave with a new perspective after their consultation – and they end up loving their results, too.

In the end, know that with the help of an experienced plastic surgeon, you’ll be sure to make the right decision.


Dr. Blagg

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