
How Often Should Your Breast Implants Be Replaced?

Woman standing in jeans and a white tank top wearing sunglasses smiling (model)

You may be surprised to learn that your breast implants can last up to 10 years or more. The latest fourth- and fifth-generation breast implants are designed to last many years, and if you don’t have any issues with your implants, there is no reason to replace them.

Most women replace their breast implants because they want a different size or style rather than because they’re experiencing problems. For women who do experience a rupture or a complication such as capsular contracture, breast augmentation revision is a solution. Below we discuss some reasons you might consider replacing your breast implants.

You Are Unhappy With Your Breast Implants

If you want to change your implant size or material, you should feel comfortable doing so. You may have originally chosen saline implants, for example, but now desire a more natural look and feel to your breasts. Your plastic surgeon can replace your saline implants with cohesive silicone gel implants during your breast revision procedure.

If you want to change your breast implants for aesthetic reasons, most plastic surgeons recommend waiting a year after your initial breast augmentation. This will give your body time to heal and get used to the new size and shape of your breasts.

Your Breast Implants Have Rippling or Wrinkling

Breast implant rippling or wrinkling occurs when the folds in the implants can be seen or felt. This issue can happen if you don’t have enough soft tissue to cover the implant or due to sudden weight loss. Rippling or wrinkling takes some time to develop, so you may not notice it right after your procedure.

However, even if your implants ripple or wrinkle, you don’t necessarily need to replace your breast implants. In some cases, your plastic surgeon may be able to perform a fat grafting procedure to strategically add fat to your breasts to improve their appearance. Each case is different, though, so talk to your plastic surgeon about the best options for you.

You Have Capsular Contracture

Your body naturally forms scar tissue around your breast implants. Occasionally, this capsule of scar tissue hardens and constricts the breast implant, a condition known as capsular contracture. In some cases, capsular contracture can result in stiff and misshapen breasts that don’t look or feel natural. Some women also experience discomfort to varying degrees.

If you experience moderate to severe capsular contracture, you may need a revision procedure.

You Have a Deflated Implant

Your cohesive silicone gel or saline implant can rupture due to aging and weakening of the outer shell. If you have a saline implant, you will notice deflation immediately. With a form-stable silicone implant, you may not see any evidence of a rupture unless you have an MRI. In both cases, you will need to replace your implant as soon as possible to avoid potential complications.

You can check out our previous blog post to learn more about when breast augmentation revision is needed.

Breast augmentation revision is not necessary for everyone, but you should know your options if you need one. At Synergy Plastic Surgery, we want to give you beautiful and safe breast augmentation revision results. You can see some of our patients’ before and after photos to get an idea of the results our plastic surgeons achieve. If you want to learn more, request a consultation or call us at (512) 244-1439 to schedule an appointment.

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