
Plastic Surgery as an Indicator of Economic Stability?

Think your breast augmentation or liposuction surgery is a personal experience just for you? Think again! Plastic surgery has recently been touted as a lesser known indicator of economic stability and growth in the United States. The ability of Americans to indulge in a nip or tuck is seen as an indicator of GDP and job growth and the more patients going under the knife the better our economic outlook is expected to become.

The concept of plastic surgery as an economic indicator has been suggested for several years and relates primarily to the ability of patients to have enough reserve savings to indulge in cosmetic procedures and the availability of unsecured credit for patients who wish to utilize this popular option rather than saving and paying for their procedures in full as they have them done. Furthermore, patients anticipating job loss or the inability to take off time for recovery due to starting a new job are less likely to have elective surgery done.


Locally I would say that most plastic surgeons noticed a considerable slowdown in procedures last fall especially in September and October. This coincided with the looming threat of government shutdown and a general concern over economic stability throughout the United States. This spring, however, the economy is rapidly gaining momentum with job creation exceeding 120,000 new jobs last month and Austin, Texas listed as one of the most stable economies in the US with an unemployment rate of only 5%. Spring is an excellent time to have plastic surgery and at Synergy Plastic Surgery we have noticed a dramatic increase in business and we are pleased that our patients are economically secure and ready to see how plastic surgery procedure can change their life for the better.

If you would like to learn more about how Synergy Plastic Surgery can change your life please give us a call at 512.244.1444 or request a complimentary consultation online.

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