
Breast Augmentation and Rhinoplasty land on top

Synergy Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular procedures in America and at Synergy Plastic Surgery.  According to statistics provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgery in 2012 Breast Augmentation procedures were performed on 286,000 women in the US alone.  This was followed closely by rhinoplasty where 243,000 procedure where done.

In my Austin, Texas practice I commonly perform both breast augmentation and rhinoplasty surgeries, and sometimes we even combine them into one surgery to allow for a single recovery period.

My best advice to patients looking to have either of these procedures done is to do your homework.  Finding a plastic surgeon who is board certified in plastic surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery is essential.  Our training takes years to complete and ensures that your surgeon will have the experience to produce consistently good result and manage any complications in the unlikely event they occur.

Breast augmentation surgery takes just over 1 hour to perform.  Most patients take 3-5 days off from work to recover and can return to full exercise in about a month.  Breast implants are a great way to add volume lost after pregnancy or to create the feminine shape you have always wanted.  All of the breast implants I use are certified by the FDA and include a 10 year warranties.

Rhinoplasty surgery can take many forms.  A basic rhinoplasty used to simply address cosmetic concerns and usually takes about 3 ½ hours to complete.  The average patient will take a week off from work, and again avoid strenuous exercise for a month.  The final results of rhinoplasty can take some time, but most patients will notice a substantial improvement even in the first two weeks.

If you are interested breast augmentation or rhinoplasty procedures and would like to learn more about options available for your body type I encourage you to come in for a complimentary consultation.  During your consultation we will sit down and discuss the procedures in depth followed by a short examination of the areas in question.  A consult typically takes about 45 minutes and gives you an opportunity to learn more about plastic surgery and ask questions.  In the consult we can provide you with more detailed information about what to expect from your surgery, as well as assess your body frame, overall health, and surgical goals. We then use this information to create a detailed surgical plan that matches your expectations.

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