
Why Fall Is the Perfect Time for HALO® Laser Treatment

Mature couple with nice skin (models) sitting outside enjoying a beverage during the fall.

As the leaves change color and the weather turns cooler, many of us think about renewing and refreshing our appearance after another hot Texas summer. Fall’s cooler temperatures and less intense sun make it the ideal time for laser skin rejuvenation, and HALO laser treatment is one of the best ways to get your glow back.

This blog post will explore what HALO laser treatment can achieve and why fall is the perfect time to consider this innovative procedure.

What Does HALO Do for Your Skin?

HALO laser treatment is a cutting-edge procedure in fractional laser skin resurfacing. It combines ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to target the skin’s surface and underlying layers. This unique approach refines the skin’s surface and stimulates collagen production, resulting in smoother, healthier-looking skin.

Who Is a Good Candidate for HALO?

After spending spring and summer months in the sun, you’ve likely accumulated a fair amount of sun damage. Sometimes that damage creates a dull complexion or a rough, uneven skin texture—and no one wants to look dull or splotchy during the upcoming holidays.

HALO addresses a variety of skin concerns, listed below, so you can face the holidays looking your best, most refreshed self.

  • Sun spots and age spots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Discoloration
  • Enlarged pores
  • Scarring
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Uneven texture

8 Reasons Fall Is a Great Time for HALO Laser Treatment

Autumn can be an especially good time for a laser skin treatment for a number of reasons, including the following:

1. Reduced Sun Exposure

Post-laser skin is sensitive to the sun, so you’ll need to avoid UV rays for a while after your treatment. That’s easier to do in the fall and winter when there is generally less sun intensity and fewer hours of daylight. Shorter days mean there’s less risk of UV exposure on newly treated skin.

2. Easier Recovery

After HALO treatment, you may experience mild redness and swelling, and heat can make those symptoms worse. While these typical aftereffects generally subside within a few days, cooler autumn weather can provide a more comfortable environment for your recovery. Plus, you’re less likely to sweat in the fall, which can irritate treated skin.

3. Preparing for the Holidays

Want to ensure you have a revitalized and fresh appearance by the time holiday festivities roll around in November, December, and beyond? Starting your treatment regimen early in the fall is important because you may need multiple treatments to achieve your goals, especially if you’re combining HALO with BBL® Hero™, BOTOX®, or other nonsurgical treatments. A fall start time allows you to complete your full treatment plan before your holiday calendar ramps up.

4. Layered Clothing

We’re not likely to be snuggling up in heavy sweaters and coats in Austin in the early fall, but autumn clothing can be more layered and offer more skin coverage than summer wear. This can help conceal the temporary redness or peeling that typically occurs after a HALO treatment.

5. Fewer Outdoor Activities

Summer’s many outdoor activities can expose you to dirt, pollen, and other environmental factors that might not be ideal for healing skin. With the decrease in such activities during autumn, it can be easier to keep the skin clean and free from irritants.

6. Skin Hydration

The cooler, more moderately humid autumn air is better for keeping skin hydrated after treatment. Our experienced team will provide instructions on when and how to cleanse and moisturize your skin after your treatment.

7. Timing With Vacation

For many people, fall schedules are often more flexible for working in a treatment session and taking a few days off post-treatment. Your HALO treatment will last about an hour, and depending on how aggressive the treatment is, you’ll want to take a couple of days to a week off.

8. Psychological Boost

As the seasons change, people often seek changes in their own lives or routines. A rejuvenating skin treatment can be just the boost needed to face the shorter days and cooler weather with confidence.

Schedule a Consultation

Fall’s gentle weather and the innovative technology of HALO laser treatment align perfectly for those looking to rejuvenate their skin. If you’re ready to explore the benefits of HALO, we invite you to call our office today at (512) 244-1439 or request a consultation.

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